ALCS Deputy CEO Barbara Hayes has written to the DCMS Secretary Baroness Morgan to request a meeting over the Government's U-turn on the EU Copyright Directive.
We were deeply disappointed by the Government’s announcement last week that they won’t be implementing the EU Copyright Directive, which contains a number of measures to ensure authors receive a fair share of the revenue generated by their works. This measure is supported by further rules requiring greater transparency and fairness in author contracts. At a time when the UK creative industries are the fastest growing sector in the UK, we are seeing a persistent decline in authors’ earnings. The Directive provides the necessary means to redress this imbalance by placing a fairer value on creativity.
ALCS’ Deputy Chief Executive Barbara Hayes has written to Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Baroness Nicky Morgan to request an urgent meeting to discuss why the Government has decided not to support the implementation when Nigel Adams MP, one of her own Ministers, said only two weeks ago: “it contains many protections for our creative sector”.
We are looking forward to the response from the Minister and we will be providing an update on how our members can help with this campaign in next month’s ALCS News.
Reaction on Twitter to the announcement below:
Faye Bird “A key piece of copyright legislation that was hard-fought for and that we do not want to now lose the benefit of in the UK.”
@ana_captures “Nicky, please reconsider this position as authors must be protected along with publishing industry. This is about business and trade.”
Carol Drinkwater “It is VITAL we get behind both @Soc_of_Authors and @ALCS_UK who are fighting for our copyright future.”
James McConnachie “Authors in the UK should be absolutely up in arms about this. The Copyright Directive was the single best opportunity to create a fairer and more flourishing economy for creators, in many, many years. Now abandoned by government, despite repeated assurances.”
You can read the full letter here.
Read the All Party Writers Group Inquiry into Authors’ Earnings here.
Read the report from our 2018 Authors’ Earnings Survey here.